Grading success! | Upcoming special events
This year's VKR seminar and grading was a great success. Over 100 participants from around Australia and overseas came to Monash University Clayton campus to take part in two full days of training, culminating in a grading from 6th kyu to 4th dan. Congratulations to all those who participated and survived the gruelling sessions, and also to those who passed their gradings. Special thank you to Soon who gave up his own participation in the first morning of the seminar to run the beginners' course at our home dojo. Special events - lunch, 9 April Sean is organising our first 20th anniversary celebration event: a lunch after our last training for this term on Saturday 9th April. Please save the date. We will be going to a restaurant in High St Preston, the home of many excellent and cheap Vietnamese and Chinese restaurants. Details to follow. Sign up to our Signal groupchat (Nanseikan Casual) for updates. Special events - Zen workshop, 30 April On the first day back for term 2,...