Important COVID update on Kendo training for end of 2021 - Vic roadmap out of lockdown 6

Hi everyone, please see below the message from Michael Dunn to all VKR members regarding events and issues related to return to training in November.


Dear all, 


See below for a number of updates regarding the current COVID-19 situation. Please forward to your members. 


1. Kendo Grading 


As per the discussion at the State Council and previous emails, as we did not return to training by 20 September, there will be no Kendo Gradings held in October. 

This also means that there will be no any Dan Kendo Gradings for the rest of 2021. The next Dan Kendo Grading opportunity will be in 2022. 

It is also unlikely that we will be able to hold Kyu Kendo Grading in November as the recently announced Victorian Government COVID Roadmap indicates that indoor community sports will not reopen until 5 November 2021. 

The VKR/VKTC will advise Clubs in October if there will be any Kyu Gradings in November. 


2. Iaido/Jodo Grading 


The VKR normally conducts an Iaido/Jodo Grading at the end of November. The VKR will confirm whether this will go ahead in the coming weeks depending on the COVID situation. 


3. Vaccinations and the COVID Roadmap


The Victorian Government has released a COVID-19 Roadmap setting out the plan for when restrictions may be eased based on vaccination targets. Details are available here:


While the restrictions and requirements have not been finalised, the VKR notes the following: 


On page 1:  

"Note 3: All proposed easings from 80% fully vaccinated (indicatively 5 November) are dependent on the ability for venues and employers to confirm vaccination status of patrons and employees, respectively."  


On page 5: 

"Physical recreation & community sport: 

• Fully vaccinated: Indoors DQ4 and 150 cap, outdoors DQ2 500 cap"  


This suggests that venues and organisations that run indoor community recreation/sport may be required to ensure that only vaccinated members can train or attend venues. 


The VKR will follow any Victorian Government advice regarding vaccination requirements once confirmed. 


In the meantime, we would strongly encourage VKR members to get vaccinated as soon as possible.


4. Vaccination Survey 


To help the VKR understand the extent of vaccination amongst our members, the VKR will be conducting a voluntary, anonymous survey. This is purely for information only. 


The survey link will be sent directly to all VKR members over the age of 18 in the near future. Clubs will also be encouraged to send the link to any of their members under the age of 18 or those member's parents or guardians as deemed appropriate.


If you have any questions or concerns about the survey please contact Michael Dunn on 


Thanks for your support. 


Kind regards, 

Michael Dunn


Victorian Kendo Renmei 


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