Happy New Year Everyone.
Here is an update from the VKR on a proposed grading camp. I have asked Sensei if he wants to recommend any candidates. I would like to do it if allowed so please let Sensei know if you are interested.
Andrew D
The grading would be held at the Monash University Sports Centre, Clayton in line with COVID-safe practices.
A grading panel training seminar would be conducted by the Victorian Kendo Technical Committee (VKTC) prior to the grading.
The VKR seeks feedback from clubs on the likely interest and number of candidates for this grading.
Grading eligibility will be based on:
- Minimum 5 months financial member of the VKR
- Minimum 'time in grade' requirements for relevant grade (inclusive of online and in person training periods)
- Minimum 3 months regular training based on senior instructor determination
Each CLUB is requested to indicate their approximate grading candidates by 29 January 2021 to support VKR planning using the following link:
Further information and confirmation regarding whether the grading will proceed will be provided ahead of the proposed grading date.
Thank you for your support.
Kind regards,
Michael Dunn
Victorian Kendo Renmei
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