changes to instructions for training at Latrobe Indoor Sports Centre: 28/11, 5/12, 12/12

***NOTE: changes below***

We will be training at Latrobe Indoor Sports Centre for the next three weeks:

  • Saturday 28 November from 12 noon to 1pm
  • Saturday 5 December from 11am to 1pm
  • Saturday 12 December from 11am to 1pm
Cost of training will be $5.00 per person on 28/11 and $10.00 per person after that, payable on the day.

Please bring two N95 masks per person to train in. Do not buy the ones with the plastic valve. Have other masks on hand for non-training use.


We will be using the basketball court, not the squash court. But we will be in the same venue. See map below.

This means the instructions around training a slightly different:
  • We can get changed in the change rooms.
  • We will do rei and mokuso before and after training.
  • We will be training in the same space, which will make things easier and more flexible
I have changed the other instructions below to reflect this. Some, such as the overall plan for training, remain the same.

The location is here:

How we will be training


Please wear a mask when inside the centre. This can be any fitted face mask. The N95s we will keep for training.

Before we train we will clean the floor, zokin-style, in each court.


Observe reduced kiai, e.g. shout "men!", not "me~~~~~~~n!". 
For uchikaeshi, do short, separate kiai for each of the nine cuts, e.g. shout "men! men! men! men!...etc", not the usual extended "me~~~~me~~~~me~~~~me~~~~n!"

1) We will do mokuso and rei to start

2) warm-up by performing uchi-kaeshi. No taiatari: motodachi absorbs by moving backwards.

      • sho-men uchikaeshi x 3
      • kote uchikaeshi x 3
      • do uchikaeshi x 3
3) 5 min break for air, take off men and move out of courts. Go outside and take off mask if necessary.

4)  Men and kote-men
      • kihon men 4 times each (x 1 rotations)
      • small men 4 times each (x 2 rotations)
      • kote-men sono ichi 4 times each (2 rotations)*
      • kote-men sono ni 4 times each (2 rotations)
      • kote-men sono san 4 times each (2 rotations)

    5) 5 min break for air, take off men and move out of courts. Go outside and take off mask if necessary.

    6) mawari geiko 15 mins
    • no taiatari
    • limit your kiai
    • 2 minute rotations
    7) very quick line up, rei in seiza and mokuso.

    Post training

    Go outside for air.

    No warm-down or shugo.

    After short rest and mask change, some volunteers return to clean floors.


    Our first training on 28th will be one hour. Our second and third trainings I have booked two hours. We should review after the first training whether this is appropriate.

    Weather forecast for the 28th is hot, so we will need to be careful and adjust according to conditions.

    *Kote-men sono ichi = kote-men using two fumikomi and two fumikiri (motodachi moves back to receive men)
    Kote-men sono ni = kote-men using two fumikomi and one fumikiri (motodachi doesn't move to receive men)
    Kote-men sono san = kote-men using one fumikomi and one fumikiri (motodachi doesn't move to receive men)





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