
Showing posts from October, 2019

Future strategy meeting notes and feedback

Thanks everyone for making time for today's meeting. It was a great lunch and discussion. For your reference, the sushi was from Popula in Ivanhoe. Maybe we should make lunches after training a regular event! Below is a summary of our discussion points and precis of your ideas for improvement/innovation: Yvonne described the grants landscape, with focus on local gov't grants from Banyule. Either need to become incorporated or be auspiced by VKR.  $2500 equip't grants come up monthly. Other entry-level grants for community groups available. Support focus on locality and niche-sports/activities.  Ideas for equipment: curtains for changeroom; mirror for dojo Next tier is State Gov't grants accessed through VKR, particularly ones to support increased participation by women and girls, funding for AED (defibrillator) Yvonne believed incorporation shouldn't be onerous. Perhaps one hour per month on avg for committee members. Andrew pointed out various tax breaks ...

term 4 training starts this Saturday!

And iai at 8.30. See you then!