VKR, AKR and other matters, please read and consider
There are four things coming up that Nanseikan members should consider. VKR First Aid initiative The VKR wants each club to have at least one trained first aider. They are willing to subsidise the cost of the course which will take place on 1 June. Applications were due on 28th this month but the deadline has been extended. Please go to this link for details. https://docs.google.com/document/d/1nHecpUGbXtBhxPffmVOdzCEqlAQFAZQcdUYfSAj9zeA/edit?usp=sharing AKR Secretary and Treasurer positions The AKR is looking for volunteers to fill these positions. Secretary position description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/10CXLn705EJoX-7wnewwHGTJGUJP614zp6e3lu1QqORY/edit?usp=sharing Treasurer position description: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1YK1JsXVvaPrXKS0QPbQ6S4HWrj5Zyv1gyJ3iI4KKaV4/edit?usp=sharing MUKEN 30th anniversary taikai and dinner Melbourne Uni Kendo Club is celebrating its 30th anniversary this year with an all-day taikai and dinner afterwards i...