First training for term 2 a great success; AKR membership fees due soon; AKR annual report

Last week we went to Cragieburn Martial Arts centre and filled their Kendojo to bursting. It was wonderful to meet Kevin and Leanne and admire the beautiful training space they have built with lots of hard work and love of budo. I think they also enjoyed seeing the dojo used to its absolute maximum! I'll attach all of the action shots at the bottom of this post.

If you would like a higher resolution version of any of these images, please email me. Conversely if you would like any of them removed from this page or from our IG, please also don't hesitate to get in touch.

2019 membership fees due 15 May
Annual membership fees are due soon. Fees are (still) $70.00 for adults and $45.00 for juniors. Fees are payable to me and I will forward a single club payment to the VKR by the due date.

The AKR AGM was held over Easter. As you may already know Stilts was elected unopposed to be the new President of the AKR. Congratulations! The minutes, outgoing President's Report and Membership data can be accessed by the following links.

AGM minutes
President's Report
Membership information

If you have trouble loading all the pages, try closing and reopening. Or email me and I can send you the documents. The President's report is particularly informative reading as it gives you an idea of how much stuff goes on nationally and internationally that we are connected to.

Here are some interesting random facts about AKR membership in the 2018 membership year:

  • the VKR has 511 current members which makes up 37.6% of the AKR's national total
  • women make up 24.7% of members nationally
  • adult membership nationally has fallen slightly (1.4%) but junior membership has increased by a very healthy 9.5%!
And for those who don't know, these figures represent membership of all three martial arts combined: Kendo, Iaido and Jodo, for which the AKR is the peak body in Australia.

Action shots from last week


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