Grading results/End of beginners' course BBQ/Other news and info

The results of the two March gradings reflected the difficulty of the gradings themselves. Of all the Nanseikan members who graded this March, all but one passed! Congratulations!

The one who didn't pass was the person who was going for the highest grade. As you go up through the ranks, what you are asked to do for each grading doesn't change, but the quality of how you do it must. It is more and more likely that you will fail the higher you go, right up to 8-dan where your chances of failing are consistently >99%.

To Chie who did not pass her 3-dan grading, I offer commiserations and encouragement. Unlike in Western culture where failure is often seen as an indication to try a different path ("stop flogging a dead horse") in Kendo, the only failure is giving up altogether. Failure can be painful, but it is also an excellent teaching tool and we should embrace it, not run away from it.

When you fail your grading.

What to do next.

End of Beginners' Course BBQ

Next week is our last training for term 1 but it's not the last training for our beginners. Their official last training will be the first class of term 2, which will be Saturday 21 April. Since we haven't done anything social for a while, I'd like to suggest another BBQ at Malahang Park just up the road from the dojo.

The BBQ will go from 12.30 to 2pm, and I suggest that everyone brings what they need in the way of food and drink to training that morning. It can be stored in one of the fridges in the hall's kitchen. Then we can go to Malahang as soon as we pack up and get changed.

In case of a bad weather forecast, we will go to the Chairman Cafe in Bell St. I will make a decision on the Thursday night prior to give people time to shop for the BBQ (or not!) on Friday night if they need to. Please make sure you subscribe to this blog so you get the notification either way. 

New shinai and bokuto for the beginners
It is wonderful to have a large and enthusiastic group of beginners! So in recognition of that, the club has purchased a large number of shinai and bokuto from Michi Martial Arts (they are still operating although the website is temporarily down). It is my expectation that every beginner will purchase a new shinai, bokuto and bag to carry them in, at the end of their beginners' course. The cost will be around $120 in total for those three things. Depending on shipping costs it might be a little lower.

The new shinai, etc will be available for the last beginners' course training. That means you can keep the club shinai with you over the holidays to train with.

May is membership renewal month
VKR/AKR memberships will be due by 15 May. The rates are still $70.00 for adults and $45.00 for juniors (under 16). This is the time that new members can also join. Membership covers you for insurance at all official Kendo events. It also means you are eligible to do gradings and attend seminars and competitions.

The membership year is from 1 July 2018 to 30 June 2019 and is referred to as membership year 2019.

2018 Kangeiko -save the date
Please make sure to set aside the whole day of Saturday 23 June for our annual Kangeiko. It is traditionally also the last training of term 2.


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