Happy New Year; upcoming seminars

Happy New Year everyone! I hope 2018 is an active and fruitful year for you all.

Training for term one starts on Saturday 3 February is an 8 week term.
We will start Wednesday night trainings the Wednesday after that. The first beginners' course will start Saturday 24 February. Fees will be the same as last year. Please endeavour to pay for the whole term on the first Saturday.

Nittaidai Seminar, Monash Clayton 24-25 February
This year we start with a bang, with the visit of these three sensei from the National Sports Science University (Nittaidai) in Tokyo. Yagisawa sensei (K8 dan), Shinzato sensei (R6 dan) and Furusawa sensei (R6 dan) will be running a seminar at Monash University's Clayton Campus over the weekend of 24-25 February. This seminar is being organised by the VKR.

Below are details as to how to book, prices, etc. Feel free to go ahead and book if you are keen, particularly if you want to take advantage of the early-bird rate. This seminar will be a great opportunity for everyone, but particularly those people who want to step their Kendo up a level, and want some inspiration for their training going into the new year.

There are two avenues for registration. I have attached a registration that the club can use to collect the details and payments of their members, and return it to us through secretary@kendovictoria.asn.au. This is the preferred way for us as it would be easier to keep track of the names and payments for all sides. When submitting the registration form please also attach a proof of payment in PDF to assist us in locating your payment.

 Alternatively, individual participants can register via Google Form found at https://goo.gl/forms/WWiSWwiMnC3zSzqy2 .

Payments are to be made via EFT transfer to the VKR Account concurrently with the submission of registration. Details can be found on both registration forms.

If you want to take advantage of the Early Bird registration price ($65 for two days) please send in the form on or before January 15. Students / Concessions are eligible for the discounted price at all times.

There will be a dinner planned on the Saturday night, most likely a Chinese restaurant located in Melbourne CBD. The exact location and price has not been finalized yet, but we expect the cost to be around $40 per person.
On the registration forms, please remember to indicate those who would potentially be interested in attending. 
Account Name:               Victorian Kendo Renmei Inc.
Bank:                             Westpac
BSB:                              033395
Account Number:           437362
Kamei sensei/Furukawa sensei Seminar, UTS (Sydney) 3-4 February

UTS Kendo Club will again be hosting two of the Kendo world's mosts highly respected 8 dans, Kamei sensei (H8 dan) and Furukawa sensei (H8 dan).

The seminar costs $60 per person for both days. There is also a competition on the Sunday afternoon. Kids under 16 in bogu are free. If you are interested, please email me asap as registrations close on 28 January. (I will not be attending as there is Vic team selection on the same weekend).

Nabeyama sensei seminar; Sydney and Melbourne 2 - 6 March
A new dojo that I know little about, the Shubukan in Sydney, is hosting a seminar with probably the most sought-after 'young' 8 dan in Japan, Nabeyama Takahiro sensei (K8 dan). Nabeyama sensei was considered something of a prodigy in his competition days and is now the instructor of the powerhouse Tsukuba University Kendo Dept.

There is a Google form to register your interest here: https://goo.gl/forms/ujxZF1arUNiV1kNM2

For enquiries, contact the Shubukan's administrator John Ou, via
jou AT outlook.com.au


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