WWCCs All NSK members over the age of 18 should apply now for a Working With Children Card. http://www.workingwithchildren.vic.gov.au/home/ It is free and the card lasts for five years. When you fill out the form, the volunteer organisation you should put is the Victorian Kendo Renmei: Organisation: Victorian Kendo Renmei Organisation Postal Address: 91 Rosslyn Street, West Melbourne, Victoria 3003 Organisation Phone Number: (please email me directly for this as it is a private number) As a state-govenment recognised organisation, the VKR also needs comply with VicSport's Child Safe guidelines. Please have a read through these: https://vicsport.com.au/child-safe-standards OBON Society http://obonsociety.org / This is the organisation I told you about at training today. Here is a link to a news item about the Yosegaki Hinomaru (soldier's good luck flag) return that Gazzaniga sensei attended earlier this year: https://www.pbs.org/newshour/sh...