
Showing posts from November, 2017

Weather warning: training to go ahead at this stage

With all of December's rainfall forecast to fall on us on Saturday, we must be aware of the possibility of the djo flooding and the need to cancel training. I will monitor the situation tomorrow and will keep you all updated. At this stage I don't imagine the Junior Championships at the Kenshikan on Sunday (12.30 for a 1pm start) should be affected and will go ahead as planned.


WWCCs All NSK members over the age of 18 should apply now for a Working With Children Card. It is free and the card lasts for five years. When you fill out the form, the volunteer organisation you should put is the Victorian Kendo Renmei: Organisation: Victorian Kendo Renmei Organisation Postal Address:  91 Rosslyn Street, West Melbourne, Victoria 3003 Organisation Phone Number: (please email me directly for this as it is a private number) As a state-govenment recognised organisation, the VKR also needs comply with VicSport's Child Safe guidelines. Please have a read through these: OBON Society / This is the organisation I told you about at training today. Here is a link to a news item about the Yosegaki Hinomaru  (soldier's good luck flag) return that Gazzaniga sensei attended earlier this year: