Whoops! Easter and term 2 dates

Usagi Yojimbo is angry at me for my bad scheduling over Easter.

Although I had scheduled two more classes this term, this coming Saturday will actually be the last for the term. There will be no training on Easter Saturday.

Training will start back for term 2 on Saturday 16 April.

As is our tradition, the last training for term 2 will be our annual Kangeiko (寒稽古) or winter seminar. This is on Saturday 18 June. Training on that day will go from 9am until 5pm, and there will be kenshi from many other Victorian clubs in attendance. Get ready to learn 6 months' worth of Kendo in one day...

Usually there is a small extra charge for the whole day training, to cover hall hire. But since my miscalculation of the dates for term 1, there will be no extra charge for Kangeiko this year for NSK members.

Wishing James good luck for his shodan grading next Sunday!


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