More samurai films on SBS; Otsuka and Nagae Takai; Kangeiko, not so "kan"
"Sword of Desperation" (Hisshinken Torisashi) is another samurai film or jidaigeki currently on SBS onDemand until 18 June. "Hisshin" literally means "must die", which is significant when you watch the film!
Our annual winter training will be taking place on the last training of term 2, Saturday 28 June. As usual it will be from 9am til 5pm. It promises to be not-very-cold.
This year we will be looking at the concept of tokui-waza, one's ideal or favourite technique. The morning will be looking at how to find it and practice it, the afternoon we will set up two small shiaijo and run practice shiai for beginners and advanced kenshi.
Cost for NSK members $10 (on top of term fees).
BYO lunch but morning tea and snacks provided.
Otsuka and Nagae Taikai
These taikai are coming up in July. See Paul Bserani of MBK's information below. The day is a week before we start back for term 3.
Nagae & Otsuka TaikaisSaturday The 12th July 2014 @ KenshikanThe Nagae Taikai will be held during the morning and the Otsuka Taikai in the afternoon.The format of the Nagae Taikai will be the same as last year. It will be an individuals based Taikai for senior Kendoka. Kendoka who are 2nd Dan or above are invited to apply. Competitors must register their interest prior to the Taikai. Kendoka who have competed in the Nagae Taikai are not eligible to compete in the Otsuka Taikai. Please note, the number of competitors in the Nagae Taikai may be limited.As per each year, the Otsuka Taikai is a teams based Taikai where each team is comprised of 3 Kendoka and will be picked on the day. The teams will be picked from 3 pools of names. The pools of names will be based on grades. Kendoka who are 2nd Dan or below are invited to compete in the Otsuka Taikai.If there are not enough Kendoka to form a sufficient number of teams, Kendoka that have competed in the Nagae Taikai will be eligible to compete in the Otsuka Taikai.Senior Kendoka are also requested to Shinpan during both Taikais if possible.Entry to both taikais is free.
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