MUKEN Taikai tomorrow — updated schedule for competition
Thank you to all who have registered to compete or assist with shinpan duties. Due to changes in the venue booking, we will have to alter the starting time for the MUKEN 25th Anniversary Taikai. The event will now be from 1:00pm-6:00pm. Shiasha should arrive at 1:00pm for registrations and shinai weigh-in, and shinpan no later than 1:30pm. Please refer to the schedule below. Any further questions should be directed to MUKEN 25th Anniversary Taikai Schedule: 1:00 Dojo Open - Registrations and Shinai Check 1:45 Opening Ceremony 2:00 Beginners Junior Kyu - Up to 4 Kyu Senior Kyu - 3 - 1 Kyu Children's E xhibition Shiai 1st &...