
Showing posts from October, 2013

The Kendo Reader by Noma Hisashi

As promised, here is a link to a great new translation in English of what is a seminal book on Kendo technique and philosophy. The Kendo Reader or Kendo Tokuhon by Noma Hisashi is a classic of Kendo literature and is now available here . I will write a bit more about it at a later date. But for now, it is highly recommended. I would buy the hard copy, which comes with a free digital download as well.

URGENT: Volunteers needed for this Saturday afternoon - a 15min Kendo demo!

I need some Nanseikan members to help out with a very short Kendo demo this coming Saturday afternoon, at Heidelberg Primary School, from 2.45 to 3.00pm. We would need to be ready by 2.30, so that would mean arriving no later than 2.00 at the school (parking will be difficult). There's no restriction on skill-level, anyone is welcome to volunteer! If you can do it, please send me a short text message on 0422 146 367. b