
Showing posts from July, 2005

First training for term 3 2005 -- Saturday 16 July*

And we train every week until 3 September. *Yes, it's the same day as the Otsuka Championships, but they don't start until the afternoon. =] b

more tenugui

By popular demand (thanks Pei!) here are some more tenugui from my collection. I don't even know where this one is for, let alone what it says. The rope design is a common one in traditional Japanese culture. It represents the sacred rope used in Shinto to signify the presence of a deity or "kami-sama". This one is definitely a kendo tenugui and says "the Great Way with No Beginning". This one I can lay claim to myself, as I was asked to design it by Macak sensei for the 1997 National Champioships. The writing was done many, many times to get it "right"! The logo is the symbol for the Victorian Kendo Renmei which is based on the Southern Cross (Jap.- minami juji), the main component of the state coat of arms. I was very happy that this tenugui was made in Japan and so is "printed" on both sides. This one should be familiar to anyone who has visited the Kenshikan in Melbourne. It is the dojo joseki, and is by the late Nakakura sensei. It says ...