Hi Everyone Here is an update on up comming gradings (Covid willing) September Grading Examinations Please note the proposed schedule for the September Grading Examinations: Date/Time Location Event Wed 1 Sep. – Sat 11 Sep. Various Club Based Grading Examinations for 6th, 5th & 4th Kyu Sun 12 Sep 8:00 am – 12 noon Monash AKR 5th Dan Grading Examination, VKR 3rd & 4th Dan Grading Examination Sun 12 Sep 1:00 pm Kenshikan Alternative time/venue for VKR 3rd & 4th Dan Examination Sun 19 Sep 1:00 pm Kenshikan VKR 3rd Kyu – 2nd Dan Grading Examination. (6th, 5th & 4th Kyu Examinations could also be held at this time if required) All Kendo members 4th Dan and above are requested to make themselves available as Grading Panellists, Tachiai or Motodachi for the Dan Grade examinations as required. 3rd Dan members with some experience as Grading Panellists may be called upon for the Kyu Grade Examinations. Lower Grades may be called upon as Motodachi for the Kyu Grade examinations. Members selected to perform these tasks will be notified in early August, so please be prepared to respond promptly to any request you may receive. Potential candidates for the September Grading Examinations should also take note. Further information regarding the Club Based examinations will be provided via a separate email. The alternative time for the VKR 3rd & 4th Dan Examination is for the possibility that the AKR 5th Dan Examination cannot go ahead due to the impact of corona virus restrictions on interstate travel. Members will be informed of any change as soon as possible, but should be prepared for either eventuality.


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