春稽古 harugeiko - Spring training, 18 Sept

It's Spring! What better way to celebrate perfect kendo training weather than with an all day gasshuku?

Saturday 18 September will be our first harugeiko, a one-day training camp from 9am until 5pm. The cost is $20/person for the whole day. BYO lunch but morning and afternoon tea provided. The focus will be shiai and will include some shinpan practice.

Please leave a comment below indicating if you are intending to come.

Hope to see you there.



  1. Hello Ben, I'll come along for the day.

    See you there!


  2. Anonymous11:33 pm

    I'll be there too!

    - Richard T'en

  3. Anonymous12:57 am

    Will be attending

    -Vincent Lai


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