VKC ittekimashita!!

g'day! this is Natsu
i'm gonna make a report on the VKC, which was held on Aug 24th Sunday at Ballarat. Me, Eli, Kurt and Jimmy entered VKC which started at an unhuman time(7:30am!! gosh!) and went though all day till well past 7pm.
Jimmy was the first match of the day, fought against Son.N(UMKC) and Ryo.S(MBK), both really good matches, but unfortunately lost. Kurt won against Nicole.S(UMKC)(^o^), but lost to Rachel.L(MBK). Eli got through the first stage, beat Viet.H(UMKC), but lost to Andy.M(UMKC) at the next stage. Every ones matches were really great
I got through the first league, but lost to Chiaki.K(Fudoshin) at the next stage.
I lost to Tom.M(UMKC), and Ruben.B(MBK) ...(ToT)\meh
Nanseikan was against MBK. The team order was senpou-Jimmy, chuken-Kurt, and taishou-Eli.
Good match but lost...Still, good fight everyone!!!!
We were against Fudoushin (like last year). Senpou was me, chuken Kurt and taishou Eli. We did lose, but did our best, and did a good fight against the champion team
The result was, Eli got the fighting spirit award, and i got third place in the women's individual. Yahoo!!
It was a long and bloody cold day, but we had fun, learned heaps, and got determination to get stronger and revenge next year!!
So lets all train hard and get strong!!! Nanseikan Banzai!!!(^^)/
p.s. hey, guys who went to VKC, i somehow maneged to delete all the pictures i took, so if you have any photos, please send them to Ben so he can put it on


  1. Thanks for the update Natsu. It's great that Nanseikan were able to enter so many events, especially team events. Kurt and Jimmy both know what to expect now. And I'm glad you were able to get some shiai action: I know you've been hanging out for it all year. Just a pity you'll be back in Japan next year! b

  2. Anonymous10:18 pm

    yeah, it was a great day. i am, yet again, surprised that we were allowed to enter the team events seeing that our numbers were decisively smaller than the other clubs.


    Thanks a lot for taking the time to write that out Natsu!



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